
If you receive any calls (except from BoB Contact Center when you have lodged a concern with them +975 2 349903), SMS and Email asking for personal details such as Account number or ATM Card number, please do not share. Bank of Bhutan will never ask for personal details of clients. It’s all spam.

Here are a few questions that we are asked often and their responses.


FAQ on Mobile Banking

FAQ on Remit Bhutan

FAQ on National Credit Guarantee Scheme

FAQ on mCaMS

How can I avail mCaMS service via mBoB app?

To avail mCaMS service, mBoB user has to have either Foreign currency or Bhutanese Living Abroad Account linked to their USER ID.

Login to mBoB > Go to Manage Account placed at the bottom > Enter your account number > Select account type as Foreign currency or Bhutanese Living Abroad Account and submit.

How long will it take to get my FC or BLA account linked?

It will take 1-2 working days.

Where can I find the mCaMS service in mBoB app?

Login to mBoB app > Click on Add Money > mCaMS

How does the mCaMS service work?

mBoB users to input their Citizenship ID and submit to fetch their mCaMS details. After the details are displayed, users to select source account, enter amount and confirm the payment with TPIN. After the payment is confirmed, entered amount will be instantly loaded in user’s mCaMS wallet.

FAQ on BLA Loan Products

Who are eligible for BLA loan products?

Any Bhutanese residing overseas, with sufficient repayment capacity, are eligible to apply for BLA loans.

How can I apply for loan?

Applicants can email the duly filled forms, along with other required documents to [email protected]

Where can I access the loan forms and checklist?

You can download them from our website at

Do I need to be physically present at the bank to execute the loan documents?

Applicants or guarantors (residing outside Bhutan) can assign Power of Attorney (POA) to family members who are residing in Bhutan, authorizing them to execute the documents on their behalf.

Do I need to mail the original loan forms and other documents?

Original documents should be mailed to CRM, Loan Section at Thimphu Main Branch, Bank of Bhutan.

What is the process for making loan repayments?

The loan repayment should be routed through BLA FC account.

Will bank accept income from multiple sources?

Multiple income sources of the applicant will be considered, including the income of immediate family members (spouse and children)

How much percentage of the income from abroad will be considered for loan repayment?

For permanent resident/green card holder, 50% of the monthly net income, and for temporary residents, 20% of the monthly net income will be considered for loan repayment.


For what purpose can I avail the housing loan for?

You can avail housing loan for following purposes:

  • For new residential or commercial construction (currently under moratorium until further confirmation from RMA).
  • For renovation of existing house/building
  • For purchase of property

What is the interest rate for housing loan?

The current floating interest rate for non-commercial housing is 8.13% per annum, and for commercial housing, it is 8.93% per annum.

What is the maximum loan tenure?

The maximum loan tenure is 30 years (360 months) excluding gestation period.

What is the gestation period permitted for housing loan?

The maximum allowed gestation is 3 years (36 months).

What is the limit ceiling for housing loan?

The maximum limit for non-commercial housing is Nu. 10.00 million, while there is no ceiling for commercial housing.

What is the quantum of loan?

  • Commercial housing loan: 80% of building estimates and 70% of building estimates which exceed Nu. 50.00 million.
  • Non-commercial (home) loan: 90% of building estimates.
  • For renovation: 50% of the renovation cost.
  • Takeover loan:  Loan Outstanding with other FIs.

Will I get housing loan to purchase property abroad?

No, BLA housing loan is exclusively available for the construction, renovation and purchase of properties within Bhutan.

Will the entire loan amount be disbursed in lump sum for the construction/renovation of a house?

The loan amount will not be disbursed in a lump sum; instead, it will be disbursed in tranches based on the progress of the construction. For purchase of property, it will be disbursed to seller’s CASA account.

For purchase of already constructed house, will Bank consider the sale deed value?

The bank may consider the sale deed value when calculating the loan amount, but the insurance value of the property must, at a minimum, equal the loan amount. When purchasing a home or building, it is advisable to confirm with the insurance company the maximum coverage limit for the property.


Who can avail education loan?

Bhutanese individuals living abroad can avail education loan for advancing their studies or covering the educational costs of family members and relatives both within and outside Bhutan.

What is the interest rate for education loan?

The current floating interest rate is 8.13% per annum.

What is the maximum loan tenure?

The maximum loan tenure is 10 years (120 months) including gestation period.

What is the maximum gestation period permitted?

The maximum allowed gestation is 24 months.

What is the limit ceiling for education loan?

The maximum limit of Nu. 10.00 million for students studying in India or abroad and Nu. 1.50 million for students studying in Bhutan.

What is the quantum of loan?

70% of the value of the collateral or 90% of the cash collateral but not exceeding the maximum ceiling of Nu. 10.00 million.

If I have already paid the tuition fee, will I eligible for reimbursement?

Reimbursement of already incurred expenses is not permitted. Education loan will be given for pending tuition fees and will be remitted directly to the institution. Living expenses will be disbursed to the CASA account of the applicant.

Will the loan amount be transferred to my CASA account?

Except for the living expenses, tuition fees will be remitted directly to institution’s account.

Am I eligible for an education loan to support the educational expenses of both close family members and distant relatives?

Yes, as long as an individual has sufficient collateral and repayment capacity. However, the applicant will have to submit us the proof of relationship.

Do I need to provide collateral security even if I have adequate repayment capacity?

Yes, despite having adequate repayment capacity, individuals are required to provide collateral security.

Will Bank accept rural land as collateral for the loan?

The collateral offered should be within the areas falling under the bank’s rate. Rural land not included in the Bank’s rate will not be accepted.

Can I repay the interest during the gestation?

Interest accrued during the gestation period can be set aside from the approved limit, paid monthly, or settled in a lump sum at the end of the gestation period.


What is the interest rate for share loan?

The current floating interest rate is 10.77% per annum.

What is the maximum loan tenure?

The maximum loan tenure is 10 years (120 months) for permanent resident/green card holder and 5 years (60 months) for temporary visa holder.

What is the maximum gestation period permitted?

There is no gestation period; repayment must commence immediately.

What is the quantum of loan?

Maximum of 50% of the market price.

Can I avail share loan to purchase shares of foreign companies?

The share loan is exclusively offered for the purchase of share of domestic companies listed with RSEBL with minimum 5 years of operations.

Can I avail share loan by pledging existing shares?

No, individuals cannot obtain a share loan by pledging existing shares. It is solely for the acquisition of new shares.

Do I need to provide collateral security to avail share loan?

Collateral security is not required. However, the shares acquired will be pledged with the bank.


Who can avail Business Loan?

Bhutanese individuals living abroad who wish to establish a business in Bhutan can apply for a business loan.

What is the interest rate for business loan?

The interest rate is different depending on the type of business. Please visit our website for interest details.

What is the maximum loan tenure?

The maximum loan tenure is 20 years (120 months) excluding gestation period.

What is the maximum gestation period permitted?

The maximum allowed gestation is 5 years (60 months)

What is the quantum of loan?

Maximum of 75% of the project cost.

Do I need to have a valid business license issued by MoEA to avail business loan?

Individuals applying for a business loan must possess a valid business license issued by MoEA.

Do I have to be in country to manage the business?

The business can be managed by a partner or family member(s) residing in Bhutan, whose details should be included in the DPR.

FAQ on BoBit

What is BoBit?

BoBit is a money transferring platform for Non-Residential Bhutanese (NRB) residing exclusively in Australia. It is facilitated by the Bank of Bhutan in partnership with FLEXEWALLET PTY LIMITED, a company incorporated in Australia.

Who is eligible to use BoBit?

Only Bhutanese citizens residing in Australia are eligible to use BoBit.

What are document required for BoBit registration?

  • Passport
  • Proof of Address (POA): it is a supporting document that verifies the address you provided in your BoBit profile. POA can be either a payslip, utility bill, phone bill, balance confirmation, or a driving license (front and back). On those POA name and address of sender should be mentioned. And document should be no older than 90 days prior to transaction date.
  • Additional document (when remitting funds of over AUD 5000) Bank statement no older than 90 days prior to transaction date. (Must be a full copy of the bank statement with no pages missing)

What is the limit per transaction or in a day through BoBit?

The transaction amount limit through BoBit per transaction or in a day is AUD 20,000. This means you can initiate multiple transactions, but the total amount limit is AUD 20,000.

Why is a bank statement required for a transaction amount more than AUD 5000?

A bank statement is required for transactions exceeding AUD 5000 due to strict anti-money laundering rules and regulations in Australia.

Why is a bank statement required when the amount deposited in BoB nostro account is less than AUD 5000?

A bank statement is required when the amount deposited in the BoB nostro account is less than AUD 5000. This ensures compliance, as customers might mistakenly initiate multiple transactions exceeding AUD 5000 where a bank statement is necessary.

How to upload documents in BoBit profile?

To upload your documents on BoBit after creating your profile, visit Once the BoBit screen opens, log in with your Google account by clicking ‘Continue with Google.’ After logging in, locate three horizontal lines at the top right corner, click on them, and select ‘Profile.’ Review the details you provided, and if there are any errors, correct them here.

Suppose you need to upload your bank statement due to transactions exceeding AUD 5000. Click on ‘UPLOAD DOCUMENTS.’ Initially, upload your passport to proceed with supporting documents. After uploading your passport, you’ll find the option to upload supporting documents. Choose ‘Others,’ provide document details (e.g., document name), and upload. If you have multiple bank statements, you can upload them simultaneously by submitting the first one and then selecting the next statement to submit.

When is the amount refunded back?

The amount is refunded in the following situations:

  • Mismatch between transaction amount and amount deposited in BoB account.
  • Providing an invalid receiver account.
  • Third-party transaction involved in your bank statement when the transaction amount is more than AUD 5000.
  • Failure to provide or upload requested details such as a passport or other documents.
  • Upon customer request.

How much time does it take to process a transaction through BoBit?

The processing time depends on the documents and details provided. If provided as per BoBit requirements, the amount is typically deposited within one or two working days. For transactions over AUD 5000, approval from the compliance team may be required.

For example, if the transaction amount is more than AUD 5000 and you have uploaded your bank statement covering the full transaction, is there a possibility for approval once it’s uploaded?

Approval depends on the absence of third-party transactions in your bank statement. If no third-party funds are involved, approval occurs within one to two working days; otherwise, the transaction will not be approved, and the amount will be refunded.

Is there any possibility for transaction approval when the amount is deposited in the BoB account first, and the transaction is initiated after the amount is being deposited?

No, under such situations, the transaction amount will be refunded, as the first transaction should be initiated before depositing the transaction amount.

While logging into BoBit, sometimes you have to provide your details again, and when you try to provide, it shows there is a customer using the same credentials. How to proceed in such a situation?

Instead of logging in, click on ‘Sign In’ and choose “Continue with Google.” This allows you to proceed with your transaction without re-entering your details.

When does the transaction status remain under review and master review status?

Transaction status remains under review and master review status under the following situations:

  • Failure to upload a passport and proof of address.
  • Providing incorrect details such as DOB, passport expiry date, issue date, and invalid address details.
  • Mismatch in the address provided in the BoBit profile and the proof of address document.
  • No name and address mentioned in the proof of address document.
  • Expired passport, and the proof of address document is not within 90 days from the transaction initiation date.
  • Improper receiver address is provided.
  • Transaction amount exceeds AUD 5000 in a day.

When the transaction status is cancelled, does it mean that the amount will be refunded?

No, when the transaction status is cancelled, it does not mean your amount will be refunded or the transaction will not proceed. Under such situations, your transaction can be reinstated, but you need to upload your details and documents as per the focal.