
If you receive any calls (except from BoB Contact Center when you have lodged a concern with them +975 2 349903), SMS and Email asking for personal details such as Account number or ATM Card number, please do not share. Bank of Bhutan will never ask for personal details of clients. It’s all spam.

BoB would like to seek applications from highly motivated, result-oriented and dynamic professionals having positive attitude and zeal to work in a team for the following positions:

  1. Job Title: Banking Assistant
    • Grade : A4
    • Slot: 52
    • Minimum Qualification: Only Class 12 (60% – Best of 4 subjects & Minimum 60% in English). Preference to Commerce Students (not earlier than 2014 class XII pass out)
    • Experience: No experience required
    • Salary (Nu.):  Gross Salary of Nu. 15,353.00 (Basic Salary of Nu. 11,125.00 + 15% Banking Allowance + 23% Corporate Allowance)
    • Employment Type: Regular. However, the selected candidates will be placed on probation for 6 months, and your service shall be confirmed based on performance during the probation period.
  1. Job Title: Driver
    • Grade : S2
    • Slot: 2
    • Minimum Qualification: Functionally literate
    • Experience: Having valid driving license with 5 years of driving experience
    • Salary (Nu.):  Gross Salary of Nu. 11,737.00 (Basic Salary Nu. 8,505.00 + 15% Banking Allowance + 23% Corporate Allowance)
    • Employment Type: Regular. However, the selected candidates will be placed on probation for 6 months, and your service shall be confirmed based on performance during the probation period.
  1. Job Title: Record Keeper
    • Grade : S2
    • Slot: 4
    • Minimum Qualification: Class 10
    • Experience: No experience required. However, preference will be given to candidates with work experience on stores management
    • Salary (Nu.): Gross Salary of Nu. 11,737.00 (Basic Salary Nu. 8,505.00 + 15% Banking Allowance + 23% Corporate Allowance)
    • Employment Type: Regular. However, the selected candidates will be placed on probation for 6 months, and your service shall be confirmed based on performance during the probation period.


All eligible candidates interested in applying for the above positions may submit application (filled in BoB job application click here to download) to the Human Resource Division latest by May 03, 2017.

The applicants shall be shortlisted based on the above stated criteria and other requirements as per the BoB job application form and invited for Personal Interview as appropriate.

For further information, please contact Human Resource division at 02-334333, IPT no. 0020 (Officiating Head HRD) or 0047 (HRD General).

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