When you need money in quick time to tide over your immediate needs, turn to Bank of Bhutan’s Overdraft Loan facility. This is a short term loan and comes with hassle-free documentation and easy fund access.
- All contractors who are awarded work / supply order
- 60 – 70% of the Work Order Value / Supply Order Value
- CLICK HERE to view the Floating/Prevailing interest rate.
- One year or till the validity of the contract on hand.
- Application form duly filled in and signed on all the pages (Full Signature).
- Copy of valid Citizenship Identity (CID) of both the applicant and the guarantor as applicable.
- One recent Pass Port size photograph of the applicant.
- Estimate of income and expenditure to be submitted.
- Copy of Work Order supported by relevant pages of the agreement
- Letter of Undertaking from awarding agencies for routing of RA Bill payment through bank.
- Copy of valid contract license.
- Ownership certificate(s) of the collateral security offered to bank.
- Consent letter from the joint owner or co-owner if the collateral provided is in joint and co-ownership.
- For family owned land, family (household) register issued by Department of Civil Registration and Census, MoHCA and NOC from family members (18 years and above) (if applicable).
- Valid insurance copy of the collateral securities charged in case of buildings.